by Katherine | Jul 3, 2016 | Exhibitions, Nature, Schools, Textiles, Timezones |
Well June might have been officially damp and dismal, that’s what the weather lady on Countryfile said, but for me it has gone by in a flash. Lots of Timezones bookings, we have two schools who book us for a full week. Then I work with a different year group...
by Katherine | Jun 25, 2016 | All Posts, Exhibitions, Textiles |
Well there we are. The latest Enjoyart exhibition is up, and ready for viewing. We spent a busy day setting out all the wonderful exhibits. Setting up is great fun as you get a sneak preview of what is going up, and there is always something to make you go OOOh. This...
by Katherine | Jun 21, 2016 | All Posts, wildlife |
Great excitement here this afternoon. The wrens have fledged!!! Four little balls of fluff hopping round the yard cheeping at each other. This is the second year we have had it happen. The nest is just outside the kitchen window so I get to see all the action. Right...
by Katherine | Jun 21, 2016 | All Posts, Timezones |
I have worked at the same school all week, delivering a different period of history to a different year group each day. I started with year 3 and the Stone Age, and worked through Romans and Celts, Greeks, and Tudors. Then with KS1 we looked at past and present, and...