What a great day!!!

Yarnival seems to have been a success, we had lots of positive feedback about the atmosphere at the event, how it was friendly and relaxed. People felt happy to try new techniques, and not pressurised. We have also had several requests to do it again. Now that does makes us feel we hit the mark.

So what went on? Well if you missed it,  we had the Walsall Spinners there, spinning! They ere using several different kinds of wheel.  I took the warpweighted loom, although it nearly didn’t make it. As we were putting it in the van on Friday the heddle bar fell out!! It took and hour and a half to reset the blessed thing. (Note to self, tie it tighter!!) Still it was there and several ladies had a go. We also had niddy noddys, lucets, and drop spindles. Then you could move on to inkle looms and several other varieties of loom.There were big and little  peglooms, using fleece and plastics to show just what you can do with them.

Dynosaur were there too with their gorgeous wools. I was very good and didn’t give in to temptation, then Briony Marshall gave a very interesting talk about her book and how she was inspired to write it. http://Facebook › brionymarshallauthor

The people who took part in my felting sessions were lovely and ranged from about 12 years old up to 70! Everyone went out with a piece of felt and a lots of ideas about using it. Next year I may do an advanced session too, as there were people who were interested in going further.

I now have teasel envy! These are gorgeous.

The Wool-verhampton map, brilliantly hung by my wonderful roadie, Glen.

This amazing event was the brainchild of Caroline and Ann at Hembra Crafting http://hembracrafting.co.uk and to have been involved was amazing. I talked to so many interesting people, and hopefully we have inspired them to try new skills and to have fun with wool and threads. So here’s to next year and doing it all again. I hope you can make it.