I love a cold frosty, sunny winter’s day. Sparkle and bright all around. so the last week has been just a tad depressing. Grey, gloom, rain, mud. Wash the dogs, wash the towels, wash the floor. Yuk. Then one of the days last week I was out with Ellie, ( Carlos is still on restricted exercise. He’s not happy!) , and realised that actually there is still some beautiful colours around even on a gloomy day.
There were red berries, glowing in the grey. The gorse is flowering, Such a vibrant yellow, and it makes good dye. Then when you look properly you realise just how many shades of green there are. Bright, yellow greens, soft muted ones. In fact the ,muted tones are really beautiful. Blackberry leaves are still about. The range of colour on them is amazing, purples, reds, bronzes.. And then even brown isn’t just brown’. Look at the dogwood, it’s red and copper, and orange. There are dark browns, beige browns, golden browns.
This drab walk was definitely improving.
That was just the woods, when we got out across the fields there were grasses covered in raindrops, like tiny baubles on a Christmas tree. I realised Ellie blends in beautifully, and everyone remarks on what a lovely colour she is. So that makes the colours of the fields lovely?
So the next time I start moaning about the grey and gloom I shall have go back to looking properly. I don’t know what I am going to do with all the ideas going round my head yet, but keep watching, some wintery ‘gloom’ may well be on the way.

The view at the tip of the hill.

Can we go home now please? One depressed dog!